Wednesday, 16 December 2009

we are looking on an older audience to screen our opening to, we are looking on people around the age of 15+ this way we are able to make it more suitable to add some more slightley more mature things to this. And by doing this i can make this our opening more serious to suit the geenre of our ffilm opening.

Monday, 14 December 2009

This is another of the locations we will be using as the terrorists main hide out and is also the house he uses to plot what he is going to do. This will be where alot of our filming will take place and is my house and we are free to use it when ever we want to as we will be doing some filming in the house and we will be doing alot of filming here.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Possible Locations

Small Heath

Birmingham City Centre

Elmdon Park

these are the main locations we are considering using whilst filming.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


we have comsidered a number of locations where we could potentially do most of our filming, some of these locations include;

School (laboratorys and science rooms). we could use our school for our props.

Home. we could use our houses to shoot scenes such as first perrson shots in which the main character will be getting out of bed or getting ready.

forestry. We can go into local forests and film to shhot footage of our main character testing his explosives in which they fail on him and low up in his face.

Birmingham city centre. we can use this city centre to show how we wanted to use the centre as the amin attraction and making this the characters main centre of attention.
i will be shortley uploading some pictures for you to view of our locations and for you to see the deffinate places we wil be filming for our opening.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

films and small movies like this one are the sort of things we were looking at. we were going to make our movie in this type of style and add these effects once we have finished filming our film opening.
our group have now got on to creating the story boareds to show the basic idea of how our film opening is going to come together. x.

Monday, 2 November 2009

preliminaery task

after doing all of our research and storyboarding we have got our finished product. we included all of the tasks set on time and used all features needed, such as using a wide variety of different camera techniques.
we also had enough time to add other features of humour by using our skills to add different voices and extra shots to the video. x

Monday, 5 October 2009

Shot reverse shot (or shot/countershot) is a film technique wherein one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking "back" at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.
Shot reverse shot is a feature of the "classical" Hollywood style of continuity editing, which deemphasizes transitions between shots such that the audience perceives one continuous action that develops linearly, chronologically, and logically. It is in fact an example of an eyeline match.

The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line. The new shot, from the opposite side, is known as a reverse angle.

Continuity editing is the predominant style of editing in narrative cinema and television. The purpose of continuity editing is to smooth over the inherent discontinuity of the editing process and to establish a logical coherence between shots.
In most films, logical coherence is achieved by cutting to continuity, which emphasizes smooth transition of time and space. However, some films incorporate cutting to continuity into a more complex classical cutting technique, one which also tries to show psychological continuity of shots. The montage technique relies on symbolic association of ideas between shots rather than association of simple physical action for its continuity.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Questionaire in progress. ( next priority )
then working on where we need to film for locations and costume and who we are going to need for acting other things we are going to need to take into consideration e.g. what if?....

Monday, 28 September 2009

PLOT- black and white movie
ACTORS- we shall use people in our group for actors, and extras from others we know in and outside of school.
LOCATION- will vary. from science rooms to the streets of birmingham.
HEALTH AND SAFETY- will be sorted and an agreement shall be signed.
SOUND- shall all be old styled, such as classic bontempy pianos. there will be no voices used in our film making it a fresh and unique idea.
STORY BOARD- being started.
SIMILAR RESEARCH.- research has been done on laurel and hardy, charlie chaplin and alkieda.
QUESTIONAIRES/INTERVIEWS- also to be done, on another day...

Wednesday, 23 September 2009


we have decided on our film plot. And it will be a black and white film that lasts for 2 minutes, we are basing our film on some of the older silent films with stars such as laurel and hardy and charlie chaplin. We decided to keep the classic genre of comedy as most of the old silent movies are comedy. We are having a silent film although we are putting a more modern twist to it of having our main character as a terrorist. we thought of having this pot as it is more individual with no one else using eiher of the two ideas.
with four of us in this group we will be needing to use extras and this will be easy to do as we all have family and freinds who are willing to help us out. we shall be using locations such as alum rock as there is a large multicultural community with our main character ( the terrorist ) who is a muslim man.
the main plot of a film is a muslim man who keeps trying to attack people through explosions but always seems to miserabley fail no matter what he does. we can use the school for some scenes such as chemical mixing. we can go to the science rooms and use the rescourses we have in the school.
MOOD board. - done.
film plot.- to do
research into other films similar to ours- done
hurtwood house research to help us out.- to do.
setting, characters, props- still to do. NO RUSH!

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Media Research.


plans for film willour trailor come together and what isthe plot?
we are starting with research on black and white films (silent movies).
we aregoing to alsoresearchfamous black and white movie stars. such as laurel and hardy and charlie chaplin. i believe these actors will give us theadvantage we will need to get started on our research.
i am also going to watch some of their well known films. to look at how they act. and what formds of scting we will need to use when filming.
. The plot of our film is still being worked on and will be comploeted a.s.a.p .