Monday, 30 November 2009

Possible Locations

Small Heath

Birmingham City Centre

Elmdon Park

these are the main locations we are considering using whilst filming.

Wednesday, 18 November 2009


we have comsidered a number of locations where we could potentially do most of our filming, some of these locations include;

School (laboratorys and science rooms). we could use our school for our props.

Home. we could use our houses to shoot scenes such as first perrson shots in which the main character will be getting out of bed or getting ready.

forestry. We can go into local forests and film to shhot footage of our main character testing his explosives in which they fail on him and low up in his face.

Birmingham city centre. we can use this city centre to show how we wanted to use the centre as the amin attraction and making this the characters main centre of attention.
i will be shortley uploading some pictures for you to view of our locations and for you to see the deffinate places we wil be filming for our opening.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

films and small movies like this one are the sort of things we were looking at. we were going to make our movie in this type of style and add these effects once we have finished filming our film opening.
our group have now got on to creating the story boareds to show the basic idea of how our film opening is going to come together. x.

Monday, 2 November 2009

preliminaery task

after doing all of our research and storyboarding we have got our finished product. we included all of the tasks set on time and used all features needed, such as using a wide variety of different camera techniques.
we also had enough time to add other features of humour by using our skills to add different voices and extra shots to the video. x